Friday, April 18, 2008

My buddy Dixon.

Thanks to all his friends, family, roommates, & brothers who gave him the best life a pure-bred Prince Edward Co. Virginia brown-dog could ever have. And special thanks to The Mules for the perfect sound track.

We'll miss him.



Lori said...

Damn, good memories of a great friend. I miss him.

Anonymous said...

We're devastated. Dixon rocked like no other. This must have been sudden because we had no idea. We'll see you on the other side good Dixon, RIP. - The Clemi

Unknown said...

Hey Adam,

I am really sorry to hear about Dixon. He was a fantastic dog. Everyone who met him loved him, including myself. I remember some great trips I had with you and him. He had a great life with you, man.

Tay Moss said...

Yes, he was a fantastic dog. I'll remember him well...